Sculpting Your Shape Naturally With Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is a technique used in aesthetic medicine to contour and enhance areas of the face and body. At Eagle Aesthetics & Surgery, we utilise careful fat grafting methods to achieve natural-looking, long-lasting results.






What is Fat Grafting?

Fat grafting, also known as fat transfer or lipofilling, uses your body’s own fat to enhance various areas, offering a natural and long-lasting result. 

Fat grafting procedures are like getting a two procedures at the same time – Adding volume to your desired area while removing fats from your “problem area” simultaneously.

How Does Fat Grafting Work?

Step 1: Liposuction

Using a tiny cannula, excess fat deposits are carefully suctioned out from areas like the abdomen, flanks or thighs.

A gentle technique is used to minimize trauma to fat cells.

2. Preparing the fat graft

The harvested fat is washed, sorted and filtered. Centrifuging concentrates viable fat cells and removes oily components and other impurities.

The purified fat is then readied for grafting.

3. Fat grafting

The areas to receive the fat graft, such as cheeks or hands, are numbed using local anesthesia for minimal discomfort.

Using a fine cannula, the prepared fat cells are injected in a layered fashion to maximize retention and yield natural outcomes.

4. Modeling & massage

Our plastic surgeon will spend time sculpting and massaging the grafted areas to ensure an even distribution of cells and achieve the intended contours.

Which Parts of the Body Can Fat Grafting Be Performed At?

Some areas fat grafting can be performed on include:

  • Various areas around the face:
    • Around the eyes
    • Forehead
    • Nasolabial lines
    • Chin
    • Cheeks
    • Temples
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Hands

With fat grafting, we can subtly reshape and augment certain areas for a youthful and balanced appearance.

A private, 1-to-1 consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon Dr Timothy Shim allows for a detailed assessment of your condition, understand your expectations, and discuss if fat grafting is the procedure for you.

What To Expect Following Fat Grafting?


  • Expect moderate discomfort, swelling and bruising around tthe treated areas. Medication will be provided to manage the symptoms.
  • You will be in a compression body suit to wear 24/7 or as instructed by the surgeon
  • Activity levels: Rest as much as possible in the first week. From the second week, you can start to do minimal activities with periods of rest, depending on the number of areas and the volume removed during surgery. Avoid aerobic exercises and strenuous lifting until about 6-8 weeks after the procedure
  • Positioning: For fat grafting to buttocks; stay on sides or stomach while resting. For fat transfer to the face, stay on your back. Keep your head elevated when possible. The surgeon will advise on specific positions to maintain for your procedure.
  • Call the doctor if you experience severe pain, excess swelling not responding to medications, bleeding and inflammed incision sites.

Resorption of grafted fat

While fat grafting techniques have advanced, it is unrealistic to expect 100% survival of all grafted fat cells. A degree of resorption is natural as the body absorbs fat no longer needed. Through refinement of our methods, we maximize the number of viable cells that will endure long-term.

Using gentle liposuction with minimal trauma preserves cell integrity. Precise processing separates viable fat cells from unnecessary fluid and debris. Low-energy vibration before extraction further separates cells without damage.

The majority of transplanted cells can survive initial absorption, this is evident in the first 2 months. The remaining volume will continue to enhance the natural contours in a long-lasting fashion

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