Ptosis Surgery in Singapore:
A Complete Guide

Do you experience drowsy or droopy eyelids that obstruct your vision or make you less self-confident?

Ptosis, or droopy eyelids, can be an annoying yet treatable condition. Our experienced oculoplastic surgeons at Eagle Aesthetics & Surgery offer ptosis surgery to correct eyelid positioning, regain functional visual abilities, and restore aesthetic balance to the eyes.






What is ptosis surgery?

Ptosis is a medical condition where the upper eyelid droops or sags. This can occur in one or both eyes. The main symptom is that the upper eyelid covers part of the pupil, obstructing vision. Mild ptosis may just cause aesthetic concerns, while severe ptosis can severely impair sight. 

The muscles and attachments that control eyelid position include the levator palpebrae superioris muscle and Muller’s muscle. The levator muscle is the main muscle responsible for raising the eyelid. With ageing or injury, these muscles and attachments can weaken, causing the eyelid to droop.

Causes of Ptosis

Ptosis can be caused by:

  • Ageing – Muscles and skin lose elasticity over time
  • Trauma – Injury to eye muscles or nerves
  • Medical conditions – Myersotonia gravis, burns, thyroid issues
  • Congenital – Present from birth due to muscle or nerve abnormalities
Identifying the cause is important for our oculoplastic surgeons in determining the treatment approach.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it may indicate an underlying ptosis condition:

  • Drooping of one or both upper eyelids
  • Eyelid covers part of the iris or pupil
  • Need to deliberately raise eyebrows to see clearly
  • Persistent eye fatigue, eye strain, headaches
  • Difficulty driving at night or reading small print
  • Blurred or restricted vision
  • Eyes appear unhappy, tired, or asymmetrical
  • Previous trauma, surgery or medical issues in eye area
  • Family history of congenital ptosis

Ptosis Surgery


To determine if ptosis correction is suitable, our oculoplastic surgeons will assess the severity of the ptosis via a visual field function test. They will consider your age, overall health status, medical history, and lifestyle factors. The assessment aims to determine the severity of the ptosis and recommend the most suitable treatment approach tailored for your individual situation.

Watch our video to learn how to prepare for your ptosis surgery with our oculoplastic surgeon, Dr Stephanie Young.

During Ptosis Surgery

Surgery is done under local anesthesia (with or without twilight sedation) on an outpatient/day surgery basis.

An incision is made within the natural eyelid crease. The eyelid muscle is accessed and tightened or folded to lift the eyelid position. There are two main types of ptosis surgery techniques used depending on the severity and cause of eyelid drooping:

Anterior Approach

This tightens the levator palpebrae superioris muscle directly to lift mild to moderate ptosis. An incision is made within the eyelid crease. The muscle is isolated, folded or shortened, and sutured for better elevation.

Posterior Approach

For more severe ptosis, the posterior approach shortens the ligaments and fascia connected to the Mueller’s muscle using an external incision to indirectly tighten underlying muscles. It provides stronger elevation for those with weak levator muscles.

Sutures or surgical glue are used to close the incision. Gentle dressings are applied. The procedure takes 1-2 hours depending on the technique used.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Immediately after, cold compresses are used to reduce swelling and bruising. Prescriptions include painkillers and antibiotics.

Some bruising and swelling is normal, especially for the first 3 days. Sutures are usually removed 1 week post-op.

Most return to regular activities within 1-2 weeks as healing progresses. Final results are visible in 3 months once all swelling subsides. Touch-ups may be required for under/overcorrection. Regular follow-ups with the surgeon are scheduled to monitor recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medical treatments such as traditional Botox (botulinum toxin) injection or oxymetazoline drops can be administered or prescribed in mild to moderate cases.

Surgery is one of the best and most effective ways to treat ptosis, as the underlying issue regarding the eyelid muscles that is causing the condition of ptosis surgery.

Surgery is performed under local anesthesia so you feel no pain during the procedure. Most report minimal pain in the first 2-3 days which can be managed with over-the-counter medication.

The crease can be altered but it’s best to discuss with our doctor during the consultation.

Ptosis correction surgery may be right for you if the condition is interfering with your vision or daily activities.

Ready to find out if you’re a good candidate? Book a consultation with an oculoplastic surgeon near you to discuss your ptosis and determine the best treatment approach specific to your individual case. A proper evaluation can help identify if surgery is the right option to significantly improve your visible drooping eyelid and vision.

Ptosis surgery of both eyes costs between SGD$6,000 – $9,000, with the total cost depending on a case-to-case basis. This procedure is usually claimable from insurance or Medisave if certain criteria are fulfilled.

The final cost can vary based on several factors. The severity of your ptosis and whether you require local or general anesthesia are some key factors that can affect the overall cost. The more complex the surgery, the higher the potential cost. Additionally, there will usually be an initial consultation fee, which allows the surgeon to assess your condition and discuss treatment options. Medications and any necessary investigative tests, such as eyelid measurements or imaging scans, may also contribute to the overall cost.

Yes, it is possible to perform ptosis surgery on just one eyelid if only one side is drooping.

Cost is usually lower than dual eyelid surgery, ranging $3,500 – $5,000 typically.


Whether the cost is claimable depends on the criteria fulfilled. An official visual assessment done before the procedure can certify the ptosis  MOH guidelines. Our specialists can assess during an initial evaluation and you can understand your condition and the associated costs better.

Reach out to me if you have more information.

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