BBL™ Hero

If you are concerned about ageing and looking to rejuvenate your skin, BBL™ Hero might be your solution  in treating skin conditions anywhere on the body associated with ageing, sun, and environmental aggressors.

What is BBL Hero?

Developed by Sciton, a world leader in high-quality aesthetic light treatments, BBL Hero is the world’s most powerful pulsed light skin treatment on the market to deliver you targeted results.

BBL Hero uses light energy to quickly and gently heat the upper layers of the skin. This heat is then absorbed by the targeted areas to stimulate skin cells to regenerate. The gentle heating of the skin with High Energy Rapid Output (HERO) BroadBand Light allows for the fast removal of pigmentation, sun spots, facial vascular concerns including bruises and broken capillaries. 

How does Broadband Light (BBL) Therapy Work?

BroadBand Light therapy (BBL) is essentially the next level of intense pulsed light therapy (IPL). Unlike IPL, BBL hand pieces are equipped with cooling features, enabling the use of high-powered energy while causing only minimal pain, side effects and post-treatment downtime. 

It helps correct a wide range of skin concerns including:

  • Sun damage
  • Irregular skin texture
  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Age spots
  • Birthmarks
  • Fine lines
  • Freckles
  • Rosacea
  • Sagging skin
  • Visible, broken blood vessels beneath the skin

As we age, the DNA in our skin cells becomes damaged, making them less effective in their work of self-renewal. Slower cell turnover means older cells stay at the surface longer, creating dull, aged-looking skin.

BBL is the only skin rejuvenation treatment science has shown changes in genes associated with ageing and longevity.

A Stanford study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology showed that BBL treatments can alter the expression of genes associated with the ageing process. These genes are manipulated to more closely resemble those of young skin. The study supports the hypothesis that regulators of ageing can be altered in human skin using BBL technology to provide a functional change, rather than a cosmetic, superficial change in appearance.

BBL Hero Treatment Options

Forever Flawless by BBL Hero

Forever Flawless by BBL Hero helps to reverse signs of:

  • Variety of freckles and pigmentation
  • Age spots
  • Rosacea
  • Variety of vascular conditions

Forever Young by BBL Hero

Forever Young by BBL Hero allows you to press pause on skin aging and is suitable for:

  • Aged skin
  • Preventative ageing

Forever Clear by BBL Hero

Forever Clear by BBL Hero helps to target acne without creams or medicine.

  • Killing acne-causing bacteria
  • Calm, smooth and shrink inflammation
  • Boost collagen production and minimise scarring

Skin Tyte by BBL Hero

Skin Tyte by BBL Hero is suitable for clients who desire noticeable skin tightening without surgery.

  • Improve appearance of sagging skin
  • Collagen production continue to tighten the skin with full results visible in up to 4 months.

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